Thanks to contact made through Lancs Climate Action Network, Gayle and Sue brought @Readstone Environment Group ‘s thermal imaging camera to do surveys on people’s homes as part of CAP’s ‘Warm Homes’ project.
Even in a new-build house where the owners are committed to energy efficiency and renewables by having an air-source heat pump and 12 solar panels, significant heat loss was shown on the upstairs ceilings indicating that loft insulation had been disturbed. This can easily be put right. ‘Usual suspect heat leaks’ were observed in all properties visited, at the bottom of external doors, around windows and between skirtings and floors. These could be corrected by well-fitting blinds, thermally lined curtains, draught excluders or strips and caulking.
We thought that massive heat loss showing on an external wall of a socially rented house combined with extensive interior mould was due to missing roof tiles, decayed mortar, visible gaps around windows and damaged lintels allowing water in. These were all beyond DIY solutions and need to be dealt with by the housing provider.
Lush raises money for CAP
CAP is very grateful to Lush Fishergate for the invite to take part in their ‘Charity Pot’ event. CAP promotional materials were handed to customers, They were asked to sign the ‘United for Warm Homes’ petition and the campaign quilt was on display.
Revenue for all the shop’s weekend’s sales of the ‘Charity Pot’ product which amounted to £274.65 was donated to CAP! What a fabulous result!
Warm Homes event – 14th October 2023
Living-future accredited Architect Ann Vanner gave this presentation about home energy efficiency at the recent CAP ‘Warm Homes’ event. She stressed the need for adequate ventilation for indoor health.
The model house at the Climate Emergency Centre is being ‘retrofitted’ to show many actions that can be taken to reduce money and carbon emissions leaking from homes.
2022: Mike from ‘Warmer Homes Ambleside’, gave us a presentation on their infra-red project which showed where homes leak heat and gave advice on ways to improve energy efficiency.
Can we run a similar project in Preston?
If you’d like to see the slides or to be involved, contact Kerry
The warm homes group have started to put together some information as we decide what our focus should be. Our initial ideas include
- helping people to access the information and funding to upgrade their homes to be carbon neutral ( eg insulation, solar panels )
- lobby the council and housing associations
To take part in actions to improve insulation, reduce energy costs and increase renewable energy use, contact Kerry;
- We will update the CAP website with fully sourced and accurate tips for saving energy and provide information to local funding sources.
- We will get more clued up on stratagems for warmer homes, insulation, heat pumps AND we will take a deeper look into what is going on in Preston and Lancashire to make homes warmer for people, with a social housing focus. Kerry will also look at charities such as age UK, as elders are more vulnerable to health effects from poorly insulated/ heated homes.
- We will hear from guest speakers from sustainable housing projects who can give us inspiration, and perhaps others who can give tips etc on saving energy, health effects and more (I am in the process of collating potential speakers.
- Speakers will be advertised out to wider audiences as standalone events. For those wanting to join the warm homes team we will discuss after to decide on the direction of the group. To see if we want to start any action projects that require funding applications and training.
- Attending events around Preston once we have trusted information and resources in place will get the word out to more people about where they can get insulation funding from, tips to save energy etc during these uncertain times. I am collating a list of potential events to attend across Preston for these purposes and will contact potential resource partners such as Cosy Homes Lancashire (who are working with PCC).
- Next meeting to be arranged… Perhaps in person if covid dies down and it’s nice outside so we can collate research ideas through mind mapping and begin to feel confidence in the information we want to share with the public on this matter. As it is important, we give correct information.
Useful Links
- Home Baked Anfield
- Great homes upgrade–B154MdF9N14WgLggqfQwwCCEYA/edit#heading=h.fmz5lj1vmyuw
- Cosy Homes Lancashire
- NEA Warm homes discount