
We’re fortunate at Climate Action Preston to have an amazing, dedicated, skilled and knowledgeable group. We’re all volunteers, juggling our roles with work and family life, so please be patient if your messages are not immediately answered. Please also remember to be polite and respectful when contacting any of us.

Climate Action Preston

For general inquiries, to be added to the mailing list, to become a Member, to attend a meeting or for a copy of the Minutes from a meeting, please contact

For details of our accounts, contact Malcolm:

Repair Cafe

Repair Cafe isn’t currently taking place.

Climate Emergency Centre

CEC is now closed.

Community Energy Preston

To get involved contact  

Preston Pedals – everyday cycling project

To get involved or for more information about our current cycling project and priorities, contact Julie:

Preston Children’s Clothing Library

This is no longer run by CAP

Warm Homes

To take part in action to reduce emissions and energy costs contact