Preston Sustainable Fashion Show

Preston Markets

Preston City Council (PCC) are putting on this event as part of Lancashire County Council's (LCC) "Second-hand September" initiative, to encourage more sustainable fashion and environmentally friendly shopping. This event will include a runway fashion show and also LCC and…


Warm Homes event and Members meeting

Climate Emergency Centre 32 Flag Market, Preston

Come along to our Warm Homes Event where Architectural Technologist Ann Vanner will talk about home energy efficiency. Ann is passionate about retrofit. Expect to hear about Biophilic Design as well! We'll then have a bring and share lunch, followed…


‘United for Warm Homes’ National Action Day.

Climate Emergency Centre 32 Flag Market, Preston

We'll be getting signatures on this petition and adding to the campaign quilt

CEP Meeting

Regular fortnightly meeting. email for zoom link.

Community Energy Preston meeting

Climate Emergency Centre 32 Flag Market, Preston

in-person and by zoom - get link from


Theme venue, timings and other details to be discussed on zoom by Committee 27.11.'23


Climate Emergency Centre 32 Flag Market, Preston

All welcome! Hear reports of activities from the last year. Elect a Committee.